and then there was Mella... and well... she was BLIND and DEAF and ran into EVERYTHING, but hella cute:

and now ladies and gentlequeers, there are Miccah-

And of course, muh boii, muh dawg, Marly-

They're brothers, both like Mella, deaf, but not completely blind. they are the best. unconditional lovers and the cutest, sweetest creatures in the world. it's the best in the mornings to wake up (6 in the morning mind you) to both their heads popping up next to you while you're in bed with all the excitement of a kid at xmas hopping up and down as if to say, "comeondadgetupdadplayandloveonushuhhuhhuhcomeoncomeon-hurryupyourtakingtoolongandthenwecangowalkingandeatandplay-andeatandplayanditllbesomuchfunohcomeondadpleasepleaseplease."

i know i know. they love you too.
in other news, i had a job interview this week. god i hope i get it. light a candle for me, and make an offering bitches, or else!