Aug 23, 2005

los angeles photos part 1

so without further ado (and since the random drive by's by santi threatening to physically hurt me should i take any longer in posting them are starting to freak me out), pictures from los angeles, in no perticular order.

This is the boardwalk. This is where i live. It's apartment buildings, then the boardwalk, the median, beach then ocean. Tons of artisans, and crazies, populate the famous Venice Boardwalk. Janis Joplin just one of the many crazy artisans that started here. You can't help but feel the energy.

The view from our apartment. The boardwalk, beach and ocean. No A/C so the windows stay open always.

Boardwalk has a few of these little oasis type looking things all over. Down the block is muscle beach.

This is the side of the apartment building we live in, we decided the guy who did it was on acid and was making if for his friends, who were also on acid.

Oh that acid, it makes you do craaaazy things.

Ok that's just plain cool.

Welcome to Venice Beach.

more pictures to come later.

1 comment:

Velvetsaje said...

the gat has been returned, as well as the stolen vehicle that i got from my neighbors, the drive by is officially called off.

the pictures look great, can't wait til i get to so see muscle beach...or venice beach...wtfever.