Jun 23, 2007
uh... oh... hi there...

Jun 3, 2007
does this mean i can't vote hillary?
"Obama Statement on Pride Month
"Pride Month is a reminder that while we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do.
"Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect.
"It's time to turn the page on the bitterness and bigotry that fill so much of today's LGBT rights debate. The rights of all Americans should be protected -- whether it's at work or anyplace else.
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" needs to be repealed because patriotism and a sense of duty should be the key tests for military service, not sexual orientation. Civil unions should give gay couples full rights. And those who commit hate crimes should be punished no matter whether those crimes are committed on account of race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
"This Pride Month, let's make our founding promise of equality a reality for every American."
Wow, i totally have a ragin' mad on for this guy now. woof papa, you can protect my rights anyday.
May 27, 2007
for da boys
in that vien, i have been taking a lot of pictures of the boys lately. for instance:
that would be miccah and me. he got way comfortable one night and got all spread eagle on me. he felt very pilsburryish to me so i poked him and made the "hoohoo" noise, he didn't wake up or even flinch. i love my big dumb jock. notice marly on the floor to the right. no matter what, he always must be by me. not afraid to admit either, but, he's my favorite. me and him, we just get each other. marly realizing daddy wasn't on the bed anymore. miccah of course remains passed out. i've gotten into the really bad habit of letting them sleep on the bed with me. most of the time, it's fine, save for the fact that once they start sleeping, moving around on my own bed requires moving two 40 pound sacks of potatoes out of my friggin' way.
the boys love riding around the car with the windows down. they politely switch windows every so often. this is marly. he will ride around for hours in this exact position. miccah on the other hand, will run back and forth barking his head off if he sees anything move anywhere near the car.
alert the townspeople, dad's no longer in bed! aren't they just the handsomest boys.
oh mikey.
Mar 1, 2007
don't ask don't tell
oh good for you mr. marine, here's your pat on the back. oh and that line of millions of people that are already out and live their life as a queer american, oh and those hundreds of openly gay and lesbian military members that serve out and despite the protests of american congress, could you pat them on the back for me, i'm all out of pats today.
bitter much? yes. thank you.
i did a 20 page report on this in college. i literally called congress and requested a copy of the policy (a book about an inch and a half thick) and read, front to back, the "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue, don't harass" fiasco of an american policy.
it was pure bullcrap.
i could picture a bull somewhere, blindfolded and scared, with "CIA" or "FBI" or "Property of Congress" stamped on it, on a conveyor belt, popping out his tail end, oodles of copies of this "policy."
it kinda makes me giggle.
along with the policy i read about 100 first hand accounts of how exactly the policy puts in danger out and closeted service members alike, and how it even put those of the straight persuasion in danger. all in the name of "unit cohesiveness."
of course i tore apart most every part of the policy with testimonials and medical affidavits. but still, 5 years later, and almost 15 years after it's induction, we are still revisiting this damn issue.
did you know in the UK and places like Ireland, when they lifted their bans on gays in the military, their armed forces actually GREW. and that the soldiers were all pretty ok with serving along side gays and lesbians (even in the shower! SHOCKING! gays are normal people?! really!?).
and story on top of story about how the change was for the better.
but oh no, not in america, home of the redneck. i guess we just have to wait a few more years.
but honestly, what could be better than having open service members in the military. i can just imagine the unit cohesiveness then:
"shit, we're getting fired at, quick! everyone save the gay! he's the only one willing to give out head! get him inside and away from the fire, let's go guys!"
Jan 29, 2007
i saw a new therapist today. he's an older man, a "father figure" if you will.
it was really wonderful. i felt deep down when i was talking to him that "here is this man, who's older, and knows more than i do, who is coming off like he's truly interested in what i have to say and feel," and that just made me open up to him even more and made me feel like i could really be honest. it was incredible. i feel like this could really be a good thing for me in the long run.
i talked about my past and growing up. he said he din't know how to start, and i said i hadn't quite figured that out yet either. so i started with the "key players," the ones who will always show up in a story one way or another.
the hubby, the parents, brianna, santi.
the key players.
then lots of exposition. what led up to me being in his office.
and then lots of storytelling. chapter one has started.
who knows how many chapters there will be.
but can any of us really change who we are.
Jan 28, 2007
i think i just threw up in my mouth a little
just wondering.
Jan 27, 2007
texas size barbie
me: you know, dr. jaime gonzalez has a nice ring to it.
hubby: yea? so does featured female impersonator jaime gonzalez.
Jan 26, 2007
kt tunstall:
everyone knows her for black horse and the cherry tree. soooooooooo not the full scope of her music. get "heal over," a simple love song in the style of cyndi lauper, sam phillips, eva cassidy, even a tint of joni mitchell. two guitars and a drum set, but beautiful.
heal over -
w. kt tunstall
it isn't very difficult to see why
you are the way you are
it doesn't take a genius to realize
that sometimes life is hard
it's gonna take time
but you'll just have to wait
your gonna be fine
but in the meantime
come over here, lady
let me wipe your tears away
come a little nearer, baby
cause you'll heal over,
heal over
heal over someday
and i don't wanna hear you tell yourself
that these feelings are in the past
you know it doesn't mean they're off the shelf
because pain is built to last
everybody sails alone
oh but we can travel side by side
even if you fail
you know that no one really minds
come over here, lady
let me wipe your tears away
come a little nearer, baby
cause you'll heal over,
heal over
heal over someday
don't hold on
but don't let go
i know it's so hard
you've got to try to trust yourself
i know it's so hard, so hard
come over here, lady
let me wipe your tears away
come a little nearer, baby
cause you'll heal over,
heal over
heal over someday
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Janis Ian
A beautiful singer reminiscent of tenille, clear voiced like sarah mclachlan, writing of joni mitchell and oh, allison krauss, that higher octave but full forced and plush voice you never get tired of listening to.
get "at seventeen," and imagine sitting alone in your room in high school dealing with your self imposed exhile or removal from the "cool" people.
at seventeen
w. janis ian
I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
and high school girls with clear skinned smiles
who married young and then retired
The valentines I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth
were spent on one more beautiful
At seventeen I learned the truth
And those of us with ravaged faces
lacking in the social graces
desperately remained at home
inventing lovers on the phone
who called to say – come dance with me
and murmured vague obscenities
It isn't all it seems at seventeen
A brown eyed girl in hand me downs
whose name I never could pronounce
said – Pity please the ones who serve
They only get what they deserve
The rich relationed hometown queen
marries into what she needs
with a guarantee of company
and haven for the elderly
Remember those who win the game
lose the love they sought to gain
in debentures of quality and dubious integrity
Their small-town eyes will gape at you
in dull surprise when payment due
exceeds accounts received at seventeen
To those of us who knew the pain
of valentines that never came
and those whose names were never called
when choosing sides for basketball
It was long ago and far away
The world was younger than today
when dreams were all they gave for free
to ugly duckling girls like me
We all play the game, and when we dare
we cheat ourselves at solitaire
Inventing lovers on the phone
Repenting other lives unknown
that call and say – Come dance with me
and murmur vague obscenities
at ugly girls like me, at seventeen
Jan 25, 2007
nothing interesting
i'd expound on the subject but alas i'm more worn out than george michael after a bender.
Jan 24, 2007
nyc, the final chapter
Jan 23, 2007
family time
but who wants to see nyc, when you could see Brandon, my new nephew.
Jan 22, 2007
you want a slicker?
-two days of sun in austin. and both days i've been indoors. woo.
-i've been working alone all day, and i'm pretty sure i'll be doing the same manana. booooooored.
-santi hasn't posted in days. and he thought i became unavailable when i got married. my my my now aren't the high heels on the other foot.
-i have more pictures of new york. mainly like 20 of me in the empire state building. they are forthcoming.
-brianna darling, i'm sorry for not calling. i've been busy, and when not busy FUCKING LAZZZZZZZY.... come back to austin and whip my ass and shit.
-come on you know you want to.
-i love maggie gyllenhall. she was on "fresh air" on npr today. she's so amazing. if you haven't seen "happy endings" yet, you need to. you'll flip.
-the east side is so fucking ghetto. every 2 minutes another subwoofer drives by. wasn't the whole idea of the subwoofer to be all macho and shit? but now it's so homogenous it's like a car alarm, no one pays attention little dick.
-i'm so glad i wasn't born in with a little dick. i couldn't afford a pimped out ride to mask it.
-i love love love "brothers & sisters." if you saw last night's episode, was that "closeted" joke from calista not the best she has ever delivered in her entire career. her brother walks by and she puts her finger on her lips and is holding it back and you see the actual thought process of should i or shouldn't i and it was so well executed. i lauged my ass off.
now, if only she'd eat.
Jan 21, 2007
i don't want any of you
Jan 20, 2007
saturdays post
what bitches? it's been a long week.
Jan 19, 2007
nyc ... the return of the dos
(hellooooooo kitty)(my ... what a big pussy)

(night's sharp fingers)

Jan 18, 2007
nyc part 1 of...however many i want biotch
and you didn't believe.
for shame.
porrrrrr quuuuueeeeee???
and now, picture time.
(the belagio)

(the night before this photo was taken was the night bush gave his speech on tv. this was a massive protest in times square. walking up and down the streets people were just standing around discussing how stupid bush was and that the war was wrong and on and on and EVERYONE hated bush, it was heaven.)

(down with the empire)

Jan 17, 2007
(heart) NY
the last ones were the morning of the night i took the other ones. this was my first official night in NYC alone. this is what i saw:
(rockefeller center golden boy)

more pics to come.