Jul 27, 2005

so how does gwen get it to smell like bananas?

in case you're wondering about the title, go here.


- so across the way on a tiny foot by foot metal covering to some pipe coming out the building next door, i thought i was watching two lovely, actually cute pigeons doing a little beaking before pigeon "how to peck" class or something, but no........first they were beaking and i was all "awww cute" like watching thumper from 'bambi' blush, awww....... then they did a little pigeon bow to each other and i was all AWWWWW....then they started walking in a circle in what i'll term the pigeon waltz.... and me the sentimental slightly retarded pot head i am was all "ok that's way too cute" ............. then ...... right before my eyes ......... cowboy up ...... little boy pigeon went and mounted little girl pigeon, pigeon fucking was on, it was funkytown baby and i had front row seats and was playing that really sexy saxophone playing in the background.... needless to say, death to all pigeons..... gross.

- if i have to listen to the verbal diarrhea of one more muscle headed monkey los angelite trying to impress the latest root rotted articial dime store peroxide blond one more time i swear to god i will cut myself.

- and in other news, i'm a little drunk.

- i'm catching up on family guy episodes i missed. tonight, model misbehavior and the loretta cleveland quagmire where quagmire gets down with the swirl.

what?! i can say "the swirl!"

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