Oct 25, 2006


i told my therapist about my situation a few months ago, the day after i decided to end a friendship with a friend.

it was amazing how much she told me i had the right to feel justified about. for instance, having done so much and not feeling appreciated, thanked, or compensated, i was told that i should have always made a stipulation to following through on any favor. i have taken that to heart.

that when i do something for someone, the logical thing would be to want to feel appreciated for it, and to not feel that appreciation does indeed warrant feeling used or taken advantage of. i have taken that to heart.

to have someone who is supposed to be a close friend degrade you in anyway that makes you feel bad about yourself is not really a friend. it's a form of verbal abuse and to feel angry or resentful about it is also justified. i have taken that to heart.

so yes, ladies and gentlemen, therapy has done me well.

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