Aug 4, 2006

because my friends have the best writers

so yea, i know it's been a while. but a lots gone on.

ric and i broke up and got back together. i've been working... a ton. life in general is one big job. i've been in therapy and seeing less and less of gordon the imaginary man that haunts me in the car. and the voices in my chi chi have subsided and now i just listen to rosie and her five friends.

and if you got all that and still think i'm funny, keep on.

so yea, i'll try to be more consistent in the blog up keep and even try more of working on the poetry archive stuff (possible xmas book?)

anyways. so i figured, shout out to the to bff's. and a funny story to boot.


everyone already knows bout the misadventures he's prone to have, so i'll let him relate his own funny stories. sorry santi, but you just haven't been funny enough lately to warrant an anectdote from me. i know "jaime is such a bitch."

so what else is new?


this story was related to me last week. and i just thought it funny.

so at one point bri was living with her sister and mom here in austin a while back. she had this one night job that had he working odd hours and going to school and life was generally, well life.

so one night, brianna comes home and is a bit on the stressed side and finds her way to the fridge. for three nights in a row, a slice of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory (or purgatory on a serving platter to the rest of us) has been sitting in it's perfect little carrying case taunting and soliciting lascivious looks from bri, and tonight she's had enough. the cheesecake was getting it.

the following day, upon returning to the fridge for her abandoned slice of cheese cake, JB, her sister decides its time to down the delictable now 4 days old, opens the box and finds a ransom note, reading:

if you ever want to see your precious slice of cheese cake you'll bring me another slice. signed, the cheesecake bandit.

i thought it was hilarious, fuck you if you don't, cause my friends truly have the best writers.


Anonymous said...

Oh! I get it! I get it!
It's like you're saying that we're so funny, we have jewish wingman writing our material!
oh the horra! the horra!

Velvetsaje said...

I am to funny asshole!!!