Aug 12, 2006

hard times

i know
there's been some times
through melancholy
though blind
i see

it's rough here
easy there
never knowing
in betweens
ours is ups

then lows

you rivers
i beams
extremes and calms
nothing in between

we wonder
why never middles?
that shortcut
to love
that i know exists

and now
hard times
heavy on breath

and heat in sleep

i watch you
that when i weep
that tears
of devotion
would heal all your needs
words often hollow
do only so much

what you need is more than i can offer in thought or in touch

i try
my hardest
sow for us love
what brought you to me
so now
in hard times

let me take care of us
until we can take care of you.


i know that there's been some hard times
even through melancholy, though blind, i still see
it's rough here easy there
never knowing the in betweens
ours is ups and lows, you rivers and i beams
extremes and calms and so it never seems
that for us a middle exists
a shortcut to love that's you and me

and now hard times abound
heavy on breath and heat in sleep
i watch you and wish that if i would weep
that tears of devotion would heal your needs
cause words are hollow and can do so much
what you need is more than i can offer in thought or in touch

but i want to try my hardest, and sow for us love
that thing that brought you to me
so right now in hard times i want you to see
that i want you to let me take care of us
until we can take care of you.


a poem, for you, because sometimes i know not how to do anything else. -j

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