Apr 29, 2005

no, jane, this isn't about you

how quickly life changes when you're not paying attention.

wait, that's not right... oh that's right i was just high most that time. nevermind.

ok so yea...where to start. this is going to take a couple of entries so we'll just start with a general subject and work to the end, which is basically what every southern baptist probably hates and throws flaming bibles at; two gay men in love. but i digress, let's start with dick.

every man has one. every man loves their own. and sometimes, some men, love them on other men. that's right, i'm talking about dick. 100-percent-grade-A-all-american-prime-time-sunday-kilbasa-chorizo-tallywacker-meaty-man-made dick. and they... you know... with the... hmmm... sorry...what was i talking about?

oh yea, dick. so yea, men, they have dicks. big ones small ones some as big as your head. and for some guys, their head is their dick. but no. not us dignified ones who stand upright and function in every day society, no no no... sorry there dick but you're supposed to be tame and loyal and not be all whoosy woosey all over town like that. no, you're supposed to sit and stay and behave.

and that's fine. my dad, he was like that, everyone around me is like that. that's great. i'm big on it actually. i'm front row center, perkiest cheerleader.

but i've always been one for options.

tomorrow: options.

1 comment:

Velvetsaje said...

i must quote myself:

when a boy wants your ding ding, you give him ur ding ding