May 16, 2005

charmed i'm sure

ok i know no one else cares, but yay! for charmed and being picked up an 8th season. i'm sorry folks, but i've been with the show since season one back when i started at ut. we grew up with each other, me and the sisters three. congrats to the show and 22 more episodes (believe this puts them over the 200 episode mark). now i have to wait 4 months for the next new episodes. boo.


Velvetsaje said...

damn it, i thought it was going to be over and ur constant charmed chatter would end.

akasha said...

whatever ho-bag. what about all the reality show verbal diahrea i have to listen to? at least the three can act, well ... rose mcgowan not so much, but the other two yea. anyways, stop being a ho-bag.