May 16, 2005

heart this

(found the following in my 'away messages' folder on aol. thought i should post it. i've used it every year on valentine's day)


now, lets see if i can get this straight.

one day out of the year, i'm supposed to show the person that i love exactly how much i love them with chocolates, flowers, jewelry or whatever because today is the day designated to do so. and if i don't, i'm an ass.

what if i just believe differently? what if i believe in showing someone how much i love them every day of the year by doing things for them, loving them, holding them, kissing them, and making him feel like a king every day he's with me. what if instead, every day of our lives, i shower them with my unconditional and neverending love, whether subtly or obviously.

i'd rather love someone everyday of the year, and not just one.

today's only significance is my best friend's b-day, that's the only way today is special.


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