May 8, 2005

master(s).... of the universe

so, just thinking out loud here:

what if i went back to school sooner than i thought. what if i looked into a graduate program to get into sooner than "sometime in my life." i could still find work and all but try also to do graduate school so that i can really get to know and understand the industry and get more than the year i spent on it at ut because i switched so late in my years there. i would be able to get in on the inside and study more and learn more about it all and really get in deep as far as networking and the mechanics of it all . and if it happened to be ut i went back to, i know my professors there would want to help me and i'd have their support and backing. that way when i got out of school i'd be more likely to land a job that puts me further down the career path than if i had tried to start somewhere like at an office manager position and just work my way to pr. i could start out as a consultant with the experience i'd get during grad school and that'd put me down the road to opening or starting my own company.

just thoughts out loud.

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