so i just caught the tail end of the "surreal life 4" reunion. christopher knight and adrienne curry are officially an item, living in los angeles together.
for those who don't know, or don't have cable, ck was peter brady, and ac was america's first next top model. the real story though is ck is 47, and ac 22.
i know!
i am so ac, just with a lot more curves, and the bf is my c. knight. see, proof that it happens all the time, screw age differences, it's about falling in love with the person and not the number. what's more, ck's an actor, like the bf, and ac is a model, and i'm just hot. so you can see the resemblence. (and for those who didn't get it that was a joke, i'm not that full of myself, santi is, i'm not).
so i want this ride

hot. i know. god i want that between my legs. gggrrrrr.....rrrr.....
and i'll be working at the salon as the bf's assistant for a few days this week. i'm going in tomorrow to shadow and learn a bit. he's already planning me a back story, something along the lines of an architect burned out by the man and i was looking for a way to explore my creative flair while supporting two kids and a crack addicted mongoose and a hidden addiction to 'showgirls.' care to rub my nipples with ice? :: wink wink ::
i've also decided that i'd like to take up fishing, the "swim in the water" kind of fishing not the "gotta get me some coochie coochie man whore" type fishing.
told you this was gonna be random.
EVERYONE would want a DUCATI between their legs. They are a thrill like no other.
just read, this and i am not full of myself...but i am full. *wink wink, nudge
you bitch.
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