May 12, 2005


when i was growing up, my ma had some sort of subscription or something to this book series called, "the value of ______" and that blank was usually an adjective describing a figure in history. so the nightingale story was the value of compassion, the washington story the value of honesty, hugh heffner the value of viagra... well not really, but that'd be hella funny if it were.

so today i learned the value of change. no, not the change i've been talking about and not the type of change you may think, i'm talking bout change change, like spare change.

i got up this morning round 7 o'clock and went about my morning routine. when it came time to make coffee, "shit" rang out as i cursed the single spoonfull of sugar left in the bowl.

now as you know, mr. man is down to pennies in his bank account, and despite the interviews, no word yet on work and mr. man isn't 'bout to face the time until i get a job without coffee -- it ain't happening.

i sat down at the desk and pondered my predicament -- i need sugar and other supplies but i've no funds, and short of donating sperm or blood (though not in the state of texas if you're a gay man!) i've no means to make money. then it hit me...

i had 37 dollars in all collected in change since i moved here from my old apartment. yay for change machines. i'm pretty damn happy. i got some food and beverage at the store this morning and let me tell ya, coffee's never tasted so good.

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